Where is St. Mary's School located?
Our school is located at 155 11 Street SW.
What Programs Do We Offer for 2024-2025?
- Regular Stream for Grades 7-9
- Fine Arts Academy
- French Immersion
- Alternative Programming
What are the School Fees at St. Mary's School for 2024-2025?
-Fine Arts Academy Fee - $315.00
-Band Rental Fees - $90.00
-Band Supply Fees - $40.00
-Option Fees - $50.00
-Student Activity Fee - $30.00 (In lieu of fundraising)
-Lock Fee - $10.00 for all new students
Attendance Zones and Boundaries of the School?
- All School District attendance zones (with the exception of Southridge, Saamis Heights, Vista Heights and Hamptons).
- All School District attendance zones for Fine Arts Academy and French Immersion (Gr.7-9).
Bus Routes, Pick Up Locations & Times?
Students that are eligible for bussing can find their routes with times on the Southland's Website.
What options do we have at St. Mary's School?
Every academic year students have the opportunity to enroll in up to 6 different option classes. Option classes that can be schedule during the year are as follows
Academic Support | Art | Archery | Band | Biology |
Cosmetology | CSI | Drama | Driver's Education | Fashions |
Fitness | Foods | First Aid | Games | Guitar |
Industrial Education | Media/Yearbook | Mythology | Outdoor Rec. | Performance Art |
Psychology | Robotics | Science AP | Visual Communications | World Languages |
What are the school bell times?
Doors open - 8:45 am
Warning Bell - 8:55 am
Period 1 - 8:58 am - 9:45 am
Period 2 - 9:50 am - 10:35 am
Period 3 - 10:40 am - 11:25 am
Period 4 - 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Lunch Break - 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Period 5 - 12:50 pm - 1:35 pm
Period 6 - 1:40 pm - 2:25 pm
Period 7 - 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
Where can I register?
To register click our online registration page.