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PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS - Online or In Person In the Gymnasium

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Steps to schedule an appointment on March 20, 2025 at 4-7 PM

1. Click on the teachers name 
2. Then select the March 20th date
3. Then select a time frame for which you want to book an appointment for Parent Teacher Interviews. You must have an appointment to see the teacher.
4. Remember - You must do this for each teachers you want to see

Mr. van Middelkoop
Mrs. Batsel
Mrs. Betker
Mr. Block
Mr. Diedhiou
Miss Garden/Ms. Remeikis
Mr. Gordon
Mr. Hale
Miss Kerr
Mr. Koch
Miss Leighton
Mrs. Lukacs
Mr. Lutz
Mrs. Miller
Mr. Moll
Mr. Mueller
Mr. Robinson
Mr. Sehn
Mrs. Sheppard
Miss Stroh
Miss. Terlson/Mrs. Marshall
Mr. Thomas

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