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Snow Boarding/Ski Trip Day - Wednesday, January 8th

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The big ski/snowboarding trip to Elkwater will be on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025. This is an educational program in which all participants, regardless of skill level, will be required to take lessons at the ski hill with a certified ski instructor.

Transportation expenses to Hidden Valley are included in the rental package, however, parents will be responsible for driving their child to school in the morning and picking them up from school in the evening.

8:00 am - morning drop off at St. Mary’s
8:30 am - bus leaves St. Mary’s
5:15 pm - evening pickup from St. Mary’s

Please complete and return the following forms:

•Student information and registration form
•Participant Registration/Consent Form (for the ski hill)
•Parent/Guardian Consent-High Risk (for the school division)

Parents CANNOT waive their child from participating in the ski lesson no from wearing a helmet. Ski lessons and helmets are mandatory for all students participating with the school.

Students Not Travelling With the Group:

If a student is not travelling on the bus to and/or from the ski hill, we require the following documentation:

•written permission signed by a parent/guardian. This note should include who the student will be travelling with to and from the ski hill. Please date the note.

Teachers and supervisors are only responsible for students registered with the school for the ski trip. Unregistered students may not travel with the school to or from the ski hill. We would like to extend an invitation to any parent(s). If you would like to come and act as a supervisor, volunteer information will be required (talk to the ladies in the office to find out what paperwork you need to have completed. You will be required to pay for a lift ticket and/or the rental fee. You will no be required to take the lesson.

Please complete:
- Form-260-2B-Parent/Guardian Consent: Off-Site Activity - Provincial Outside of City within Alberta
- Hidden Valley - Participant Registration/Consent Form
- If your are a parent/guardian attending with the school, you need to fill out the Hidden Valley form separately from your child and return to the school.
- If your child is not going with the school on the bus to and/or from Hidden Valley, please include a dated, written, and signed not indication who they will be going to the hill with, even if it is yourself.

Should you have any further questions or concerns please contact me at the school by phone (403) 527-7616 or by e-mail at
(Please copy and paste this link into your browser to get access to the forms)


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