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2025 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championships

Once again, the Knights of Columbus, is offering a basketball free throw competition for all the students in the Medicine Hat Catholic District.  We host this event as a school based activity this year again and we need your help and support.  

Boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (as of January 1, 2025) are eligible to participate in the event.  Students are asked to complete the entry form (all entrants must have parental/guardian signature for permission).  Section III is to be completed at the time of the event by a supervising adult/teacher.  All children will receive a certificate of participation. 

Each school will be able to award ribbons to the top 3 in each age category.  The district competition is open to all students wanting to go. They do not need to be in the top three to advance but they needed to participate in the first round. The district competition is scheduled for Saturday, March 1 at 1:00 at Notre Dame Academy. The school will be available for warm-up at 12:30. Please try to complete the school competition by Monday February 24th  Regional and provincial competitions will also be held at NDA on Saturday, March 1 (This is all done at the same time following the first round of shooting). 

The following are some of the standardized rules for the event.


  • regulation size basketballs are to be used
    • boys and girls ages 9 - 11 use women’s regulation size basketball
    • girls 12, 13 and 14 use women’s regulation size basketball
    • boys 12, 13 and 14 use men’s regulation size basketball
  • foul line for 9-11 year old (boys and girls) is 12 feet (15 feet for older children ages 12, 13 and 14)
  • age is determined as of January 1st 
  • basketball net must be at 10 feet in height
  • ensure the shooter is not interfered with by participants or spectators.  Keep the basketball key clear as well as the area behind the key
  • shooter must shoot 15 consecutive free throws
  • during the attempt the shooter must remain behind the designated free throw line, touching the line or crossing it constitutes a violation and the attempt must be marked as a miss
  • in the event of a tie the winner is determined by a 5 shot tiebreaker round until the winner is determined
  • record each shot taken on the entry form under the first competition level called council
  • place an X for a successful basket and a circle for a missed basket as shown on the score sheet attached to the entry form.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at St. Francis Xavier School. I appreciate your time, and your support with the Knights of Columbus in this event.  You can email me at at with any questions or concerns.

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